Friday, May 30, 2014

Where Do Baby Sea Turtles Go?

When baby sea turtles hatch, they wait until the cover of night to dash from their nests on the beach into  the ocean.  Biologists have noticed that sea turtles will return to the same beach they were born at 10 years later.  Now the puzzling question is: Where do they go during those 10 years? And why do they come back?

Marine Biologists tagged 17 turtles to track and study where they travel during this time.  During this study, they discovered a few interesting things about these sea turtles.  First, they discovered that the sea turtles do not have a certain destination in mind, but just wander through the ocean.  Another interesting thing is that these sea turtles swam into waters that had accumulated seaweed.  As the turtles swam through the seaweed, it coated their shells.  The marine biologists later realized that the coating of seaweed helps the turtles stay warm.
NOS Themes:
  • Science is based on evidence
  • Science is collaborative
  • Science is subject to debate and is tentative

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  1. After reading your article, I was still curious on why sea turtles come back to their birthplace 10 years after they're born. I did some research and found some information on it. First, it's most commonly the female turtles that return to their birth place. They almost always come back to the exact island or beach they were born at to reproduce. This behavior is shown to have healthy advantages for the offspring. Scientists have discovered that turtles have a specific genome responsible for fighting local parasites and diseases. The females will reproduce in the place where those genomes were created so their offspring are able to resist parasites and diseases when they're born. Other than to pass on the ability fight off local diseases, female turtles return to their birthplace for a few more reasons.

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  2. Turtles returning to their place of birth 10 years after they're born fascinates me. I think one reason for this could be because the turtles know that that particular birthplace worked out for them and was successful, so they go back there to try to ensure their offsprings survival. The reason for the turtles wandering around the ocean with no particular destination could be because they are trying to just find as much food as possible.

  3. I was really surprised on reading that the seaweed warms up the sea turtles. Another website also states that the seaweed meets the most pressing needs of the sea turtles and gives them a metabolic boost as they grow. The seaweed offers them food and concealment.
