Friday, May 9, 2014

Bone Marrow-on-a-chip

According to a new study, from Harvard’s Wyss Institute for Biologically Inspired Engineering, a group of researchers created a organ-on-a-chip.  Institute researchers report in an online issue of Nature Methods, that the organ-on-a-chip reproduces the structure, functions and cellular make-up of bone marrow, a complex tissue that until now could only be studied intact in living animals.

Microscopic view of an engineered bone

In an initial test with backing from the FDA, the engineered bone marrow imitated human marrow when it was exposed to radiation. So far, Wyss scientists have built lung, heart, kidney and gut chips that reproduce important aspects of organ function using a technique that combines multiple types of cells from an organ on a microfluidic chip.

This medical discovery will be beneficial for multiple reasons. The device could be used to prevent or treat radiation’s lethal effects on bone marrow without resorting to animal testing. Additionally, the bone marrow-on-a-chip could also be used in the future to maintain a cancer patient’s own marrow temporarily while he or she underwent marrow-damaging treatments such as radiation therapy or high-dose chemotherapy.

NOS Themes:
1. Science is Collaborative: The discovery was made by a team of  Harvard Wyss researchers.

2. Role of Credibility: The discovery is verified by the FDA, journal Nature Methods, and Wyss Institute.

3. Science is based on evidence: The initial test was evidence that the bone marrow functioned. 

4. Role of Change - as technology advances new medical discoveries are possible

Link to article: 

Link to how the bone marrow-on-a-chip was created: 

Additional Info (Video):

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