Sunday, May 11, 2014

Columbia Engineers grow functional human cartilage in lab


Cartilage cells are some of the simplest cells in our body but scientists have been having a hard time trying to find out how to grow functioning cartilage. By using traditional methods the cartilage that they grew was weak and would not function effectively in the body. They were able to grow functioning cartilage by inducing the cells into a condensation stage before having them make cartilage. This greatly increased the strength of the cartilage and grew cartilage like they had never seen before. They plan to go on with their research and test whether it would work when implanted.

Picture: Cartilage Cells

NOS Themes:
Role of Motivation: The scientists at Columbia University were not able to create strong cartilage tissue so they were motivated to find a new way to build tissue.

1 comment:

  1. The concept of growing cartilage cells is very important because of it's implications on people/animals with joint pain. Growing and possibly replacing cartilage would greatly improve the quality of life for many. A cure for arthritis may be in the near future. Cartilage cells can be grown by chemically signaling a protein,which regenerates the cartilage. Hopefully studies like this one conducted at Colombia University will lead to a cure for joint pain.
