Thursday, May 29, 2014

Genetically Modifying Soybeans to Fight Allergies

(Yes, I am aware that this is an old article. However, it fits extremely well with our recent units so I wanted to share.)

In 2003, scientists working with the USDA's Plant Genetics Research Unit were researching soybean allergies when they found something. They could remove a certain protein which was responsible for 65% of said allergies, and the newly modified bean was still safe and almost identical to the original.
Below is a diagram of gel electrophoresis results. MAb represents the soybean DNA, 1 being a crossbreed, 2 being a normal bean, and 3 being the GM bean, and IgE is from allergic patients who consumed their bean (numbers matching).

The results show the successful removal of the protein from the bean and that it no longer triggers the reaction in the patients.

NoS Themes
Role of Credibility: Each scientist in the article has some sort of official group, the lead being the USDA, which can (hopefully) be assumed as credible.
Role of Observation: It can be seen that the protein's DNA is missing, thus showing that the process worked.

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