Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Turning Teeth Cells into Brain Cells

Researchers at the University of Adelaide have been looking into taking stem cells from teeth and developing them into brain cells. How do they do it? They put the cells in an environment similar to the environment of the brain. The cells then develop into brain cells, not teeth cells. The cell have not fully developed into neurons, but scientist Dr. Kylie Ellis said that with time they will figure it out so that the cells are exactly the same. Dr. Ellis published their findings in the book Stem Cell Research and Therapy.

Stem cells from teeth can be turned into brain cells when they are put in a certain environment

Why is this research relevant? Many people suffer from brain disorders, such as strokes. Treatment for victims of stroke is very limited. The benefits of treatment using stem cells is that it is quick, doctors can use the patients own stem cells so there is no risk of the patient rejecting them, and treatment options will continue to be available for months, even years, after the stroke occurs.

This will be an exciting breakthrough in medicine and will lead to treatment of many people suffering brain disorders.

NOS Themes:

  • Importance of repeatability
  • Role of skepticism
  • Role of motivation and curiosity


  1. This is a great thing for many athletes. If athletes have too many concussions, which cause cells in the brains, especially nerves to stretch and break, they cant play any more. This also will hep for people who want to be a fighter pilot because you can not be ne if you have had a concussion because they are worried about the loss of brain cells and reduced brain effectiveness.

  2. Wow, I always love further developments with stem cells because I find that stem cells are so cool with the diversity and application of them. It is great for people with strokes or concussions because your body does not generate new brain cells. It is fascinating that by just being in a brain cell environment that they will grow and adapt to the conditions to become a very similar brain cell. I think that stem cells will continue to surprise the scientific community with its versatility.

  3. This is very interesting. It makes me wonder if any cells, other than teeth cells, are also able to develop into brain cells. It also makes me wonder if teeth cells could develop into other types of cells just by being put in the right environment. I think that this study could lead to many new and beneficial findings.

  4. This is very cool to think about how nerve cells can be recreated. I did some research on stem cells and these cells are not that common in the body but they are the master cell meaning that they can transform themselves into any other cell depending on the bodys needs. I have never heard of them coming from teeth before reading this article, they are normaly found in embryos and in different types of tissue. This, however, will make these cells a lot more accessible in the body.
