Wednesday, May 7, 2014

How do Birds Survive Harsh Weather?

Birds have very hard lives. There are animals that want to kill them, they have to take care of their young, but they also have to survive the elements. All around the world there are storms that can rip the roof right off a house. So how do these beautiful creatures survive such harsh weather? Scientists that study this say that the first thing is all about location! All from the tree that they live in to the exact stop their nest is in the tree. They need to keep their young safe but if the nest gives away then they have to move and move fast. Their feathers help them to stay warm. Birds have adapted in such a way that their feathers can fly through hard winds and rain.



    This link has alot of information on birds and specifically their feathers. Feathers help animals for a number of reasons. They help to camoflauge the bird, regulate body temperature, mating, and helping with flight. In one example the bird's feathers are densely packed and can help create a sheild for the bird. I am sure the feathers have a big part in helping birds go through harsh conditions.

  2. I found out more about what birds do during storms here I learned that they raise their young during calmer time of year when there are less storms and when storms become more frequent the young already know how to fly and can stay safe during a storm.
