Thursday, May 29, 2014

New Tanning Bed Rules Link Lamps to Cancer

Tanning beds are no longer harmless. Once considered only as dangerous as dental floss or Band-Aids has now been linked to other devices that exposes users to radiation. The FDA now treats tanning beds and sunlamps like devices that expose radiation. Data has linked sunlamps to cancer-causing radiation that is very dangerous. Indoor tanning is estimated to cause 419,000 cases of skin cancer every year which is about twice as much as the cases of lung cancer that was caused by smoking. Tanning beds are one of the key factors to Melanoma cancer. Your risk for melanoma is increased by 59% by using tanning beds. Not only do tanning beds give you the risk of cancer they also have been linked to eye damage such as catatacts. The exposure of the ultraviolet rays can damage the DNA in skin cells.

NOS Themes

  • Science is collaborative
  • Science is based on evidence
  • Role of skepticism
  • Role of motivation and curiosity

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