Thursday, May 8, 2014

New method to track proteins in single HIV particle

A team of researches from the University of Geneva have been conducting an investigation on the issue of children suffering from a complex sexual development disorder. After a genome analysis by scientist at the Department of Genetic Medicine they identified the gene, and a protein-producing mechanism, that when it malfunctions cause the disorder. This disorder can occur in both sexes it doesn't only occur in one specific sex. Using the patients DNA sequence, researchers are able to identify a mutation in the HHAT gene, a gene that is in human organs during feotal development and also in the testicles and ovaries during sexual development. To confirm there discovery, geneticists developed vitro tests to show that the mutation interferes with activity made by the HHAT gene. Scientists say that they are able to trace the genetic course to the cause of the sexual or development disorder. By identifying the specific gene scientists are able to pin point the precise diagnosis, develop tests, and provide a better treatment for the patients. 

NOS Themes: 

  • Science is collaborative 
  • Science is supported by tests and data
  • Science is credible

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