Friday, May 30, 2014

Artificial Lungs?

If a person has lung cancer, the only cure that there is currently for them, is chemotherapy. With new technology, in a program called "Regenerative Technologies for Oncology," they are creating tests that simulate what goes on in the body. This will hopefully replace all animal tests in the future. Scientists have created artificial lungs that are no larger than a sugar cube. Scientists at the Department of Bioinformatics at the University of Wurzburg are doing tests and creating simulations on the computer of the human body and what happens in different "patient groups." This research enables scientists to alter therapies and create them to what the patient needs. With this new technology, scientists are creating the models out of cancer cell tissue, in order to make it like an actual lung. With this information about the lung and how it works, scientists are coming one step closer to finding cures for cancer.

Article Link:


  1. NOS Themes:
    Science is based on evidence: Scientists are using real data and real tissue from the lungs.
    Role of Motivation and Curiosity: Many people die each year due to lung cancer, and with this new technology, scientists and researchers may be able to find a better cure.

  2. This is an exciting new development that I cannot wait to see develop further. I did a similar report on this about new Artificial Immune System's that are being developed right now. I think it is very cool that we are advancing far enough in society to make groundbreaking technologies that can save and prolong peoples lives. Go Science!

  3. I hope this comes to be something that is particularly useful. A lot of break throughs like this seem to just fizzle into oblivion. I see so much possibility in this so I sure hope that it doesn't end with nothing. I think the NOS of Curiosity is critical to this.
