Thursday, May 29, 2014

There's more than one way to silence a cricket

There's more than one way to silence a cricket

Scientists have recently noticed that many crickets in Hawaii stopped chirping. They think this is because of evolution, and they traced it back to a single sex linked gene. The crickets stopped because they were heard by predators and eaten. This caused a problem, because the chirping is what attracts mates, so the crickets that stopped chirping would position themselves near ones that still chirp. This way they still attract the mates, but the one chirping gets eaten, leaving the silent one. The scientists have a lot more to learn from these crickets, but they are convinced they are a great example of convergent evolution.

Science is collaborative- many scientists worked on this study.
Science is based on evidence- They watched the crickets, and tested their DNA

1 comment:

  1. Wow this is a very interesting article. I cannot believe that crickets would just stop chirping. It makes me curious to see what happens within this micro-evolution process. It will be cool to see more convergent evolution processes pop up as time progresses. I did some further research and the scientists believe that the flesh eating maggots that eat these crickets originated from the US. This is a crazy article.
