Thursday, May 29, 2014

'Free choice' in primates altered through brain stimulation

Scientists have recently done a test to see if they could change a macaque's mind by sending electrical currents to a certain part of their brain.  The ventral tegmental area is located in the midbrain, and helps regulate and reinforcement in the brain's reward system.  It releases dopamine, which creates a positive feeling in the individual, when a reward is received or something is done correctly.  The scientists had the macaques choose which picture they liked more, a star or a ball.  After they recorded this as a control, they once again asked the macaque which picture it liked more.  After it gave its answer, the scientists provided a small electrical current to the ventral tegmental area.  Every time they did this, the macaque would change its mind.  This could be big news for those with Parkinson's or depression.  This type of therapy could be helpful.

Themes of Nature of Science:
-Importance of repeatability- this could have been chance that the monkey changed its mind if they hadn't run many tests
-Role of motivation and curiosity- scientists decided to test this hoping to see results, but they found something that could actually be medically helpful for us


  1. This is amazing on the level of helping people with mental heath issues, and could probably help addiction. But can it be used to alter peoples minds to seem like doing evil is the better option? Free will is what makes us human, so could changing that be bad? This seems like an issue that could be debated on morally, but i feel that the benefits would outweigh the risks.

  2. I found this very interesting. I agree that I think the benefits would be great enough to beat the risks of using this to help people. I think we just need to keep this technology safe, and make sure it is only used for reasons like this.

  3. First of all, I would just like to mention how extremely cool it is that we have the technology to do this type of thing. Of course the technology is not fully developed just yet, but I see some great potential for this project. On the other side of the coin, I thinks it's pretty scary that we might be able to control what people think. But besides that, I think its a very cool idea.

  4. I think that this could be a big step in areas like psychology and psychiatry. I think that it would be a much more efficient way to both treat and prevent mental disorders. These exercises could be very healthy for getting the brain to function at optimum levels.
