Monday, May 19, 2014

Company Makes Water Purifying Billboard. Go Science!

       A new billboard has been developed by the scientist at the University of Engineering and Technology of Peru, with the help of the Mayo DraftFCB company, that has the ability to make drinking water out of thin air. The billboard works by means of a "reverse osmosis system" which captures the humidity of the air, and then subsequently condenses and purifies the water, at which point the water is stored in 20 liter tanks. Since its inception three months ago the billboard has produced an astounding 9450 liters of fresh, drinkable water, and has improved the lives of many families and citizens of the nearby Peruvian towns.

1. Science is collaborative- the scientist worked together in order to help the citizens of Peru 
2. Role of motivation and curiosity- the curiosity to make clean air led to this new purifying billboard.

1 comment:

  1. This is a pretty Interesting article because of the practicality of it. If its cheap enough it could help a lot of people around the world. It seems inevitable that the water may have to come from somewhere and maybe it'll help lower Peru's humidity, which is pretty high I think. Overall, cool idea.
