Friday, May 30, 2014

Obesity rates on the rise

Obesity, as we all know, has been on the rise for a long time. What you may not know is the extent of the problem. In 1980 there was around 857 million people who were considered obese. Since then the amount of people considered obese has increased to 2.1 billion, almost a third of the population. Adults have seen a 28% increase and an increase of 47% in children. These increases are not consistent around the world though. Most of problem is based in ten countries. These include USA, China, India, Russia, Mexico, Brazil, Egypt, Germany, Pakistan and Indonesia. If you base it on the percentage of the population that is affected, the results change slightly. The US would still stay at the top with 33% of the adult population affected. Australia would follow with about 29% and England with 25%. A connection can be made with the percentage of the population affected and the wealth of the country. Countries with a high income rate have a much higher obesity rate.

Nos themes
science is collaborative the study was performed by many people working for the global burden of disease study.


  1. This is really interesting to find out the cause for the growing obesity rates in the world. This article goes further in depth into this issue and discusses more statistics of how wealth is related to obesity. According to this article, 70% of the US's health costs are due to obesity-related chronic diseases.
    Read More:

  2. The realtionship between obesity and income states that lower income families tend to have a higher rate of obesity then high income families on this website:
