Thursday, May 8, 2014

Mystery Disease 

       An unknown disease has been causing havoc in Nicaragua. There are tons of hard worked sugar cane plantation workers who are deprived. This made it difficult to notice when a disease attacked them of unknown origin. While much is still not know about this disease, what is known is that the disease is effecting the kidneys and killing these men. It was noticed when the men were playing baseball and were sluggish and slow. Then men began to die. And they have been dying a lot.

1. Science is collaborative: many different scientists are working on this problem.
2. Science is based on chance: it is chance that scientists found these men dying.

1 comment:

  1. This article relates directly to our Microbiology unit. It makes sense that the disease hasn't been brought to attention due to it affecting people of poverty in a 3rd world country, but if it isn't further investigated, could lead to an epidemic across the globe. A specific cause for kidney failure hasn't been discovered, but CKDu is associated with labor in hot temperatures, usually among industrial agricultural workers working in sugar cane production. Work conditions are the major problem. Steps to prevent this mysterious disease from spreading need to be put into action, as CKDu has been occurring for the past 10 years.
