Friday, May 30, 2014

New approach to HIV vaccine

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team of University of Nebraska-Lincoln scientists has developed a promising new approach that could someday lead to a more effective HIV vaccine. They did this using a genetically modified form of the HIV virus. The new method involves manipulating the virus to rely on an unnatural amino acid for proper protein translation, which allows it to replicate. Because this amino acid is foreign to the human body, the virus cannot continue to reproduce. This is the first attempt to use the real HIV virus as cure because it reproduces and evolves quickly. On june 1 this team will begin its phase of development due to a 4 year, 1.9 million dollar grant. 

Nos themes: 
science is based on evidence 
importance of repeatability 

1 comment:

  1. The team at Nebraska-Lincoln University is doing great things with their research with with the HIV virus. It is always a good thing to hear about new procedures that Are being taken place to help those who have had their immune systems razed by the HIV virus. I am very hopeful that this new procedure that they are developing will end in success, and help those who have ben hurt by this damaging disease.
