Thursday, May 29, 2014

E-Cigarettes Not a Healthy Alternative to Smoking

E-Cigarettes Not a Healthy Alternative to Smoking


An article in the June issue of Annals of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology, the scientific journal of the American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology (ACAAI), explained why "buyer beware" holds true for E-Cigarettes. They examine one of the "health benefits" of smoking e-cigarettes that claims it helps to cut back on smoking tobacco cigarettes. There is no evidence to support this claim. Another cause for concern is that people are still smoking tobacco cigarettes at home and only using e-cigarettes in public, thus still exposing their children to second-hand smoke and an increased risk of asthma. E-cigarettes could also have long-term effects that we don't know about yet because they are so new. These cigarettes have no evidence supporting that they are a healthy alternative to smoking. Summary

NOS Themes:

  1. There has been no evidence, data, or results showing that e-cigarettes are a healthy alternative to smoking.
  2. It is observable that people smoke e-cigarettes primarily in public because it saves them from ridicule about an unhealthy decision.
  3. Like a scientific principle/law it is widely accepted and there has been no serious challenges to validity of the though that e-cigarettes are a healthy alternative to smoking.


Link to Article: 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. We discussed this same topic in health class this year. I remember that E-cigarettes also have almost the exact same level of nicotine as regular cigarettes. E-cigarettes are also labeled as "an easy way to help someone slowly wean off of smoking." This is ridiculous considering the amount of nicotine is nearly the same. It's unfair and even unnerving that companies can put positive labels on their products when they are completely false.

  3. This article mentioned not knowing about the long-term effects of using e-cigarettes, so I wanted to see if I could find a little information on the product in general.
    I learned that e-cigarette companies are not actually required to submit clinical study data to them, which means the public has no real way of knowing the safety and health information about the cigarettes (like how much nicotine is in them or the risk of smoking them for certain uses). In addition, I found it common that e-cigs are used more to help reduce the amount of smoking real cigarettes versus quitting completely. This would provide a healthier outcome due to the reduced amount of smoking in general. Overall, it could be a debated topic on whether or not the e-cigs actually reduce the need for tobacco cigarettes. I was also curious what alternative ways of quitting or reducing smoking were. I found that the best option is to go to your doctor and receive information and recommendations from them. Doctors can inform smokers about nicotine replacements, medications, support groups, and more.


  4. This is terrible that e-cigarettes are not healthy. Although, I am not surprised. Also, the fact that the company is hiding the fact that these are bad cigarettes from people is just awful, and they should stop making these "fake cigarettes" because it is just leading to more smoking related deaths.

  5. This was a very interesting article to read and it raises a very important point. I think that more research should be done to determine what the actual health risks are of E-Cigs and whether or not they are a better alternative to cigarettes. I also think that labeling needs to be clearer so that buyers are not confused by the product they are receiving.

  6. Although there are many people who say e cigarettes are said to have no health cons, they do have long term effects on people. One website states how e cigarettes are said to increase airway resistance that can last up to 10 minutes. They are said to have caused long term damage to lungs.
