Friday, May 30, 2014

E-cigarettes: Not a healthy alternative to smoking

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Doctors from all three Mayo Clinics are now saying that there is no evidence that e-cigarettes are an effective method to quit smoking. They also say that people are smoking e-cigs in public but regular cigarettes at home. This can cause even worse effects because the ingredients in an e-cigarette supposedly weaken the lung tissue that is then damaged by the normal cigarettes. Doctors are also skeptical of the long term effects because these are a fairly new product. They are afraid that they may also increase risk of cancer and respiratory diseases. The vapor from e-cigarettes is now show to give more asthma attack than normal cigarettes do. Many doctors and researchers are now calling for more regulation by the FDA.

NOS Themes

  • Role of Skepticism- Doctors are skeptical of e-digs as a safe alternative to smoking
  • Science is Collaborative - Doctors from all three Mayo Clinics are working together.


  1. I found that the FDA has found cancer causing chemicals in vapor of a popular brand of E-cigarettes even though manufactures say they are safe. Doctors say that people should stay away from E-cigarettes until more is known.

  2. While e-cigarettes are not very safe the are better than smoking cigarettes, and for the people that are addicted to the nicotine e-cigs offer different ranges of nicotine varying from more than a cigarette to no nicotine at all, so it is possible to wean yourself off of nicotine, beter than just quitting, and from what i have heard the nicotine gums, and patches are not that helpful. E-cigarettes are very unhealthy, just like cigarette, but you are not getting all of the tar in your lungs. We do need more research on e-cigarettes, and the things put in the liquids should be tightly monitored. They have great potential, but the big issues is that it has the possibility to become a gateway to real cigarettes, and in some places you can use them in places normal cigarettes are not allowed.

  3. I found an article about a study done at UC San Francisco's Center for Tobacco Control Research and Education about e-cigarrettes. The article summarizes the top 5 most important things learned from the study: 1) Some kids that smoke e-cigarrettes, have never had regular cigarrettes. 2) The amount of nicotine absorbed is different for each brand. 3) E-cigarrettes are not very well studied and that makes them unsafe. 4) Believe it or not, e-cigarrettes are NOT a successful way to quit smoking. 5) Major tabacco companies are starting to produce e-cigarrettes along with regular cigarettes.

    Overall, e-cigarrettes are becoming increasingly popular, however there is not much research about the consequences or long term effects. They are also not a successful way to quit smoking. Until more experiments are done and research is made available it is recommended that youth avoid using e-cigarrettes.

  4. With the growing popularity of these, the false advertising is growing as well. this forum, Talks about how the E-cig is a better option and will improve your life. This product is actually dangerous and the best way to go about quitting is to just quit and not go to a different source.

  5. Very interesting article. With e-cigs becoming more and more popular, more and more people are taking sides on the debate. The talk of whether e-cigs should be allowed to be smoked in public places where regular cigarettes are not and the health concern has become increasingly noticeable. I have seen at least four articles in the Star Tribune in the last two months talking about various topics of e-cigarettes. Also, at least once a week, there are one or two opinion page articles in the with peoples' individuale opinions on the topic. The debate of e-cigarettes has only just begun and I believe we will being seeing more and more visibility and research come out about this topic.

  6. The key word is "supposedly." I have done some research and read what people that have used them said. It is true that minors are finding ways to get them and are using them all the time. But it is also true that E-Cigarettes are 60% more successful to getting people to quit real cigarettes than using a patch or the gums. People say that after using them for a while they can see and feel a huge difference from when they were smoking. They can breath normally because all of the gunk that they have been putting in their bodies is breaking up and clearing out. There is no real research that has been found that says they are as dangerous as the media wants us to think they are. Doctors are saying they have found all these reasons on why they are dangerous but I personally think it is a load of crap considering E-Cigarettes have only been around for maybe six years. I think that they should do some real research and get back to us in a few year when they find some real evidence against E-Cigarettes. They have helped so many people quit and I think we should celebrate that because now we don't have to smell that awful smell from a regular cigarette. The FDA are doing their best to keep minors from getting them and using them but they are also regulating the small businesses that are generating thousands of jobs and creating a multi-billion dollar industry. This could be a very bad choice and it can lead to a lot of economical problems. I'm not saying that E-Cigarettes are the best thing to use but they are getting rid of people smoking over 4,000 different chemicals that are almost all cancer causing. People should not be smoking anything at all but e-cigarettes are the healthier way to go without a doubt.

  7. It interests me that companies will go to great lengths and spend great amounts of money to keep the facts from reaching the consumer. It reminds me more than a little about the "debate" about leaded gasoline and whether or not it was unhealthy for people to inhale. Leaded gasoline companies paid "scientists" millions of dollars to convince the public that leaded gasoline was safe, when in fact, it wasn't. Once leaded gasoline was outlawed, lead poisoning rates dropped rapidly. It seems the same with these e-cigarettes and also with coal and oil companies today.
