Thursday, May 8, 2014

Potential Cure to Diabetes 1: Cloning to Create Insulin-producing Cells

According to a new study, published in the journal Nature, a group of researchers created an embryonic clone of a 32-year-old woman with diabetes. The team replaced the nucleus (DNA) of a donated human egg with a nucleus from the skin cell of a the woman with type I diabetes. The process is called somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT).

A line of embryonic stem cells 

The egg activated the patient's DNA and created an embryonic clone of the patient. After being exposed to electronic pulses and chemicals, the cell began to divide in a similar way to a fertilised egg. Eventually, it created a  set of healthy stem cells. The researchers further experimented on the specimen and were able to change the stem cells into insulin-producing beta cells.

One of the challenges the team may face are the availability of eggs. Women who donate eggs for research undergo a painful and potentially risky procedure.  For the eggs in the latest study each donor was paid $8,000 per ovulation cycle. Additionally only 15% of the eggs they received were successfully programed.

Another challenge the team will face is the immune system of diabetic people. Diabetes is believed to be caused by an impaired immune system. The researchers will have to figure out how to prevent the immune systems from attacking the insulin-producing stem cells. After the basic experimentation, the next step would be to begin a preclinical trial.

NOS Themes:
1. Science is Collaborative: The discovery was made by a team of researchers.
2. Role of Credibility: The discovery is verified by the journal Nature, and Harvard Medical School
3. Science is based on evidence: The embryonic stem cells research was based off of a Nature study.

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  1. This concept is so cool! I think it is amazing that scientists are finally discovering cures to diseases that have been ailing humans for a long time. I found an article that also talks about the cure to Diabetes 1. This article talks about an experiment done on mice to cure them of diabetes through stem cell therapy.
    Read More:

  2. If this research is able to be developed to a consistent basis it could have many amazing uses to cure diseases that people have suffered from for such a long time. It will be interesting to see if this research can be used to cure diseases other then Diabetes.
