Thursday, May 29, 2014

Key to Saving Certain Leukemia Patients

In new researches going on with certain leukemia treatments, doctors have been able to uncover a common trend in all patients that have developed a resistance to the normal medicine. Doctor Wang and her team of scientists were comparing all DNA blood shifts in the patients that developed the resistance to the drug. After some hurried research in attempt to save a patient, the doctors were able to determine one similarity in 90% of the cases. The change was in the BTK protein.

The BTK protein is the protein that helps in the cell's rapid proliferation. By adding a new type of medicine, it helps the BTK to not mutate into a form that rejects the initial medicine. With this advancement in research, this string of leukemia may become chronic and not deadly. Doctors still need to make more research, but hopes are high for these experiments.

Link to the article

NOS Themes:
Science is Collaborative: These doctors were able to use blood samples from many different researches on this string of leukemia.
Role of motivation and curiosity: These doctors are trying to find a cure for something new

Further Research

1 comment:

  1. I researched a little further about CLL. Chronic lymphocytic leukemia is a type of cancer that starts from lymphocytes (White blood cells) in the bone marrow, which invades the blood. Leukemia cells build up over time, and can invade other parts of the body, including the lymph nodes, liver, and spleen. CLL grows slower than other types of leukemia. To find more, visit
