Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Coffee Can What?

Coffee Can What?

In the article, Coffee, Caffeine, and Risk of Type II Diabetes, it talks about the hypothesis that caffeine consumption can decrease the risk of getting type 2 diabetes. Rob M. van Dam, Department of Nutrition, Harvard School did a study of this. “This is a prospective cohort study including 88,259 U.S. women of the Nurses’ Health Study II aged 26–46 years without history of diabetes at baseline. Consumption of coffee and other caffeine-containing foods and drinks was assessed in 1991, 1995, and 1999. We documented 1,263 incident cases of confirmed type 2 diabetes between 1991 and 2001”.
Watch the video for more information. 

In conclusion, they discovered that moderate consumption of coffee, caffeinated or decaffeinated, may lower the risk in middle and young aged woman. High consumption resulted in better glucose tolerance, and a substantially lower risk of getting type II diabetes. Also, a higher caffine intake shared the same effect. So, is it coffee? Or the caffeine? Maybe you can find an answer.

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  1. This topic is really interesting! I found this article that talks about how caffeine can help kill cancer cells in your skin and prevent skin cancer. Because of this, scientists are trying to come up with a creme that can reverse the effects of UV damage on your skin to prevent skin cancer.

  2. I have heard so many different opinions on whether coffee is healthy for you or not. In an article I found it discusses several reasons coffee IS good for you. Some of the reasons are: it reduces the risk of cancer in the reproductive system, it lowers risk of developing type 2 diabetes (as you talked about above), it helps prevent dementia and Alzheimer's, it is good for your skin, and it strengthens your muscles. It was a very interesting article to read and coffee seems like a good way to start the day!

  3. This is a super interesting and controversial topic. I found a lot of research about the benefits of coffee. According to Medical News today, reported on a study suggesting that drinking two or more cups of coffee a day may reduce liver cirrhosis death risk by 66%. Another research finds that a high coffee intake may help against prostate cancer.
    One of the studies that I found quite interesting was about researchers from Cornell University that found raw coffee to only contain 1% caffeine, and around 7-9% chlorogenic acid (CGA) - an antioxidant that has been associated with many health benefits, such as weight loss and reduction of blood pressure. I thought it was super interesting because generally coffee is associated with caffeine, and coffee beans only contain 1%.

    Link for more information:

  4. After reading about all these benefits of drinking coffee, I was interested to find out the negative effects of drinking coffee. I found a great website that gave me lists of the pros and cons of the highly popular drink. One negative thing coffee causes is stomach issues, including ulcers. Coffee ruins your gastrointestinal tract, allowing ulcers to appear, along with other gastric irritation and damage. Stomach aches can occur from this, as well as from the anxiety and irritability that often comes with drinking coffee. In addition, studies have shown there is a connection with mothers who drink a lot of coffee and miscarriages. Unfortunately, women who drink more than 200mg of caffeine a day have double the risk of experiencing a miscarriage.

    These are just a few cons of drinking coffee, but there are many more unmentioned.
    I found my information at:
