Monday, March 3, 2014

Scientists Transform Skin Cells into Functioning Liver Cells

       Scientists at the Gladstone Institutes and the University of California, San Francisco have just recently developed a way to successfully convert skin cells into liver cells that can function on their own. They found that these cells can properly carry out their functions when transplanted into test animals that have been modified to simulate liver failure.

       Before this breakthrough, scientists have been looking to stem cell-derived liver cells to be transplanted into liver tissue and survive. However, this method did not seem to be producing any positive results. Now the team has finally discovered a new reprogramming method of converting skin cells into liver cells. The results have been so successful that the converted tissue is almost indistinguishable from the actual liver tissue. This new discovery has spurred hope for curing liver failure

Scientific Themes

Science is collaborative: Gladstone Institutes and the University of California, San Francisco worked together on this project
Role of Motivation and Curiosity: Scientists pursued this discovery hoping to be able to cure liver failure
Importance of Repeatability: The team ran several tests on lab animals before reaching a conclusion


  1. This article will have many impacts for the future. It is cool to see that it is barely indistinguishable from the older liver cells. This will help many people survive when there is failure of the liver and to give a liver to someone in surgery.

  2. I thought this was a really interesting topic, and I did a little more research about methods of reconstructing liver tissues and cells. Another method to regenerate liver tissues and cells is through a method of 3D printing. 3D printed human tissue is created by using modified printer cartridges and extracted cells. The cells are sourced from patient biopsies. Additionally further progress has been made. Organovo, a company specialised in designing and printing functional human tissue, currently attempted at printing major tissues of a liver. It functioned for a few days. Scientists are working on making it a viable option, in the future, for organ transplants.

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  3. I also think this is very interesting, I think it is incredible that scientists can now do this. With this method they will be able to save many people that are experiencing liver failure. I know it says they are just working with animals right now, but hopefully they will be able to use it successfully on humans.
