Saturday, March 22, 2014

Ocean Camels

Imagine going six or seven months without water, it may seem crazy but snakes like the yellow bellied sea snake do it all the time. This amazing feat is accomplished by special adaptions that stop the leakage of freshwater from there bodies. The snakes, even if in freshwater, will not get the urge to drink after they are full for about 2 months. The snakes live in the Indian and Pacific oceans, where the only source of freshwater is rainfall, which rarely happens. During, and after rainfall the snakes come to the top of te water to drink the freshwater, which forms a thin layer on top of the salt water, and drinks until they are full. Even in freshwater the snakes will go to the very top of the water to drink

Science is based on evidence
Role of motivation and curiosity


  1. James, cool article! The yellow-bellied sea snake is an amazing creature. I was curious and researched more about the snake. I found that it is believed to be the only snake to live entirely in the ocean! Cool, right? Even cooler, unlike most sea-dwelling snakes, that go on land to give birth to eggs, the yellow-bellied sea snake gives birth in open water to live young. Now that's amazing. If you would also like to learn more about the yellow-bellied sea snake, you can check out this article:

  2. Wonderful article, I enjoyed reading about how sea snakes can survive months without drinking water. Sea snakes can live a long time with out drinking freshwater because when they do get the chance to drink, they can drink up to 25% of their body mass. I found this amazing! Also researchers at the University of Florida believe that the snakes can sense the rain. They say that the snake's mood changes before a storm.
    Go to the link below to find out more:

  3. Very interesting! I found another article about other animals that can go a long time without drinking water. One of the ones I found interesting were the Sand Gazelles. They actually have the best water retention of all other hoofed animals in the desert. Their hearts and livers will shrink to prevent moisture loss and allow them to breathe less. Also, their bodies can absorb their urine (ew!) in small amounts and reuse it as a source of water.

    Link to Article:

  4. After reading your blog post, I became curious about what other animals can survive without water for extended periods of time. Since humans can only last for about 10 days, having the yellow-bellied sea snake survive for 6-7 months without water is an amazing feat. Most desert animals have adaptions that help them survive the extreme heat. Camels, ostriches, giraffes,and sand gazelles all can endure long periods of time without water. A main adaption includes being able to retain water and reduce water loss. This can be achieved by the shrinking of organs, which is done in sand gazelles. I find it amazing how animals are able to thrive in extreme conditions like the desert with minimal water.
