Sunday, March 2, 2014

Coffee kills cancer

Caffeine, found in coffee may be key in killing cancer cells. Researchers report that combining caffeine and a small amount of gold is a potential anti-cancer agent. This does not mean you should start drinking coffee or other beverages that contain caffeine, as it does have harmful side effects to the body. Including restlessness, increased heart rate, and trouble sleeping. The caffeine and gold compound targets a special type of DNA architecture, the G-Quadruplex, which is associated with cancer. This is a very interesting discovery, as it may lead to future ways of preventing and killing cancer cells.

Image credit: Ingram Publishing/Thinkstock

Themes of Nature of Science:
1. Science is collaborative: A team of researches reported in the ACS journal Inorganic Chemistry they also received funding from multiple universities and scientific organizations.
2. Science is based on evidence: The scientists studied the caffeine with gold in a laboratory
3. Role of chance: It just happened by chance that they stumbled on the right ratio and amount of caffeine and gold that kills cancer cells.


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  1. This topic in general is extremely interesting in the fact that while this is true there is most likely also a consequence or Side effect. Although I do have one question how does caffeine and gold kill cells. If it kills them by a sort of poisoning effect then how can it target certain parts or types of these cells? I think that this could be very useful and it seems like something that could be easily used but what happens if the cancer changes? and does this work on all types of cancer?

  2. This is a very interesting thing to hear, but it is true that caffeine has horrible side effects on your body. I think that if we could find out how to maximize use of this method it could be a big help in preventing and killing cancer cells. How does the caffeine in the coffee help prevent and fight cancer? What types of cancer does this method work for? I think if we research this discovery even more it could have a big effect on the fight against cancer.

  3. You talk alot about side effects and how people shouldn't start drinking caffeinated beverages just because of this discovery. I agree with your point because of the fact that the caffeine needs to used with gold in order to be effective in possibly fighting cancer. However, Cancer is the 2nd leading cause of death in the United States. As such, I think that the end result outweighs any sort of side effect one might get from consuming caffeine. This certainly seems like a very unique discovery and I agree that it could lead to ways to fight cancer in the future.

  4. This is a very obscure but interesting way to treat cancer. Though this sounds like a simple and easy way to fight cancer, I feel like there would be many many side effects if it was not implemented in a certain way. I am wondering if you have any more info on how this treatment would work and if this is an actual future possibility? Also, how does the caffeine and gold specifically interact with the cells? What makes this combination fight cancer?

  5. I found another article about "Cancer-Fighting Superfoods" from Health Magazine. Richard Béliveau (PhD, chair in the prevention and treatment of cancer at the University of Québec at Montreal and author of Foods to Fight Cancer) says that "All the studies on cancer and nutrition point to eating plant-based foods for their phytonutrients and other special compounds". The article says to aim to eat anywhere from 5-9 servings of fruit and vegetables a day, especially the 6 "super foods" listed in the article. These "super foods" include broccoli, berries, tomatoes, walnuts, garlic, and beans. This article also lists what kinds of cancers in particular each food might be help to prevent as well as what food NOT to eat.

    I think that these simple food choices are a great way to live a healthy lifestyle, and it is an easy adjustment that can make a big difference in the both near and far future.


  6. You said that gold is a potential anti-cancer agent, but I'm curious as to how you would use gold to help protect cancer. What would you do with the gold? In addition to this, you talk about the harmful effects of caffeine and how you shouldn't start drinking caffeine at a young age, but the effects listed are all temporary effects of caffeine. I think that if solid research was found that supported the idea that caffeine protects against cancer then drinking caffeine from a young age would be more helpful than harmful. You also talked about the G-Quadruplex and how caffeine and gold compounds targets this kind of DNA, so could something be made in a lab that targeted the G-Quadruplex DNA? Maybe we could use these substances (caffeine and gold) to help us research a cure for cancer.

  7. My parents should be cancer free for quite a while than!
    The points brought up in some of the comments are very intriguing. Such as the one about killing other cells other than the cancer ones. As far as I can tell from doing a bit of research, that is why gold is in the compound. Gold acts as a locator to find the cancer, then the caffeine is what actually attacks the cancer. That means that, for the most part, other cells are largely ignored, reducing collateral damage to friendly cells. Also, it was questioned which types of cancer this could be used to treat, and as far as I have read, it can treat most types, but the injection method, weather pills, a shot, or something else changes.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. I also agree that you should not drink a bunch of caffeine in an attempt to kill cancer. I agree not only because of the harmful affects, but because it would not work. I found that the amount of caffeine needed to kill the cancer is so high that the caffeine would also kill you.


  10. This is a very interesting topic. I found a new study that shows caffeine helps kill off human cells damaged by ultraviolet light, one of the key triggers of several types of skin cancer. What I found interesting is that the idea of this study wasnt to consume caffeine, but rather use it in the development of caffeine creams or ointments to help reverse the effects of UV damage in humans and prevent some skin cancers. I think this may be an alternative to avoid the harmful effects of caffeine.

  11. I found some interesting ways of how gold is used on cancer treatment. I learned that gold nanoparticles are used to detect cancer, they now are heating the particles and using them to destroy malignant cells. The particles can absorb light and kill the cancer cells. Exposing the cells to the correct amount of light would destroy the cancer cells. This reduces time, effort, and expenses in cancer research, detection, and therapy.
