Monday, March 24, 2014

Faster Synthesis Helps Battle against HIV

Peptides are very promising as drugs, as shown by insulin and the HIV drug fuzeon. The only problem with peptides as drugs is the time it takes to manufacture the drugs. It takes several weeks to create the drugs, and makes it impossible to obtain large quantities. This problem may soon be gone though. A team of MIT chemists and chemical engineers has designed a way to manufacture peptides in mere hours. The engineers from MIT have created machines to speed the process by adapting the synthesis reactions to a continuous flow system

The popular HIV drug, Fuzeon

I chose to write about this article because of its impact on people. The machines that were created by the men at MIT will provide many more people with a cheaper way to get there treatment. By speeding up these reactions they create a higher amount of the drug available, which drives the price down, and could save someones life.

NOS Themes:

  • Role of Credibility: The findings were published in the science journal ChemBioChem

1 comment:

  1. I liked your post! This is great because one day this could help with many other drugs that can be manufactured faster. I would like to know what the machine is called so I can research further.
