Sunday, March 9, 2014

Deforestation: A Truth You Can't Hide From

Becky Copper

     How do we know when a forest falls? How is it possible to keep track of them all? On the 20th of February in 2014, a new website and map called Global Forest Watch was launched online to provide anyone across the globe with data of near real-time deforestation as well as forest gains. Using satellite data and user-generated reports, this map is accurately updated every month, displaying marks all over the world to show affected areas. This important tool informs governments of illegal logging, ensures businesses of where their supplies are coming from and how they are obtained, provides knowledge to researchers and organizations, is used for educational purposes, and alerts the general public.
     In the past 13 years, 50 soccer fields worth of forests each minute everyday have become victim to human destruction. Now, the facts and figures of deforestation everywhere are available to everyone. Hopefully, this amazing device will motivate us to better protect our environment.

NOS Themes:
  • Science is collaborative; Matt Hansen (a University of Maryland geographer), his colleagues, the World Resources Institute (WRI), Google, and about 40 other partners made this online and interactive map possible
  • Science is based on evidence; this website is dependent on data from satellites and personal stories
  • Role of motivation and curiosity; people interested in environmental preservation and the effects of deforestation (globally and/or locally) will find this unique website extremely helpful

To learn more about the World Resources Institute (one of the collaborators of Global Forest Watch), visit their website at!


  1. This article was very startling to read. I knew that deforestation was bad, but didn't know that the forests were being destroyed so quickly and in such large masses. It has definitely affected me and I will help to protect our environment now. Here is an article that talks more about the general background of deforestation, what we can do to help, and how it takes a toll. It is interesting and I think you should check it out!

  2. This is a very surprising article. I went into the map and discovered that the city of Eden Prairie has lost 250,000 square feet of trees in the past 10 years. That is over 5 football fields. I would assume growing areas are experiencing much higher levels of deforestation to make room for new houses, roads, etc.

  3. I agree with Brianna and Chris, this information is both startling and surprising and people definitely need to start taking action to protect our forests. 31% of land on Earth is forests, and forests are home to many endangered species. Forests produce the oxygen we need to breath, and 1.6 billion people rely on forests for food, freshwater, clothing, and medicine. In the last 50 years, 17% of the Amazon has been lost due to conversion for cattle ranching.
    My link:
