Monday, March 3, 2014

Anitibiotic Resistant Infections

About 2 million Americans suffer from antibiotic resistant infections per year.  The CDC has found this to be a growing problem as more and more infections are becoming resistant to the antibiotics that aim to kill the infection.  Antibodies are even becoming resistant to the newest drugs and are developing a resistance faster than ever.  Now scientists at LA BioMed research center are working to develop a way to tame the infectious diseases instead of killing them.  The researchers are in hope that this will slow the processes of becoming resistant.  One of the main infections researchers are using for their research is MRSA, in which, Michael Yeaman, PhD, is attempting to interfere with the infection's adaptations it has developed toward antibiotics.  If the research is successful, this could save many Americans thousands of dollars in medical bills, as well as the government.

NOS Themes:
Science is Collaborative: many researchers at the LA BioMed research center are working together.
Role of Credibility: The research is valid, coming from many different researchers with PhDs.
Role of Motivation: The motivation is that millions of Americans are being affected by antibiotic resistant infections.


1 comment:

  1. This is actually pretty interesting, its kind of weird to realize just how much we really depend on anti-biotics in our daily life. I saw a similar article about how bacteria evolves so quickly to become resistant to these anti-biotics. If you re intersted in checking that out at all you can find the article here:
