Sunday, March 23, 2014

Cockroach Species Lived in the U.S. 49 Million Years Ago

Scientific American Article

The Ectobius Cockroach was believed to be an Old World species back in 1856, when scientists found the first specimens in 44-million-year-old amber from the Baltics.  Two scientists from the Smithsonian examined the amber and found that it was Ectobius and how old is was exactly.  Ectobius most likely went extinct because of the glaciers that were creeping south.  The insects escaped into Europe and have only returned in the last hundred years.

NOS Themes:

  • Science is based on evidence.  The discovers were made because of the amber samples that were found.
  • Science is collaberative.  Teams from the US and from the Baltics worked on this project.


  1. It is fascinating how a creature as small as a Cockroach could have such a long distance migration. The article mentioned that they most likely passed through Greenland on the way, over 4000 mile long journey. Because Cockroaches only live up to a year, I would imagine this migration happened over hundreds of generations to move the entire species around the world.

  2. I find it very interesting that this particular species has been able to return from near extinction in only a hundred years. This article reminds me a bit of when the buffalo became endangered because they had been over hunted. I think it is interesting how, unlike the buffalo, the population of this type of cockroach has been able recover without human aid. I also wonder what has caused this species to make its recovery now of all times.

  3. I think that this is a very interesting article. I think that it is amazing that cockroaches have been in the United States for millions of years before humans ever even set foot on this land. I think it is amazing these small creatures could have traveled so far then returned after being gone for so long and only have been back for about 100 years. Approximately what percentage of the cockroaches escaped to Europe?

  4. I found it to be extremely impressive that this species of Cockroach has migrated such a long distance. Cockroaches are profoundly interesting. We always hear of them being "the only creatures that would survive a nuclear winter". The article states that the cockroaches were driven to near extinction by harsh conditions with North American glaciers. I'm excited to find out what the other three species that were found are.
