Sunday, March 2, 2014

Disordered Hyperuniformity - Potentially New State of Matter

Original Article

The topic of this article focuses on a potentially new state of matter called Disordered Hyperuniformity. Now, that just doesn't make sense, it's so contradictory. Thats right, but the name perfectly fits what it is. To start explaining, you need to know a birds eye is made of 5 types light-receptive cells, called cones. In order to be classified as Disordered Uniform those cones must be in a completely 'random' pattern at a very small scale, but in a complex pattern on the large scale. Then to have the Hyperuniform title, these cells must meet the Uniform requirements, and still meet them if you were to ignore one of the 5 types of cells.

Another Article

There are multiple NOS themes I found in this article are:
Science is based on evidence: In this study, scientists were able to actually write a very complex algorithm to explain the arrangement of cells.
Science cannot explain all questions:  The article ends with a quote stating how the scientist still have no idea why the cells and molecules act the way they do.

I found this a really fascinating idea and concept. I was also intrigued to hear how few known materials act in this way. The article I read stated liquid helium, some plasmas, and densely packed granules. What other materials can you guys find that have Disordered Hyperuniformity?

~Ben Johnson

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