Monday, March 3, 2014

Real Life Iron Man to Revolutionize the Science World

Scientists have developed an Exosuit that will allow a human to go 305 meters below the the ocean surface. Micheal Lombardi, an experienced dive safety officer for the American Museum of Natural History, will be the brave man to bring the suit into the depths of the ocean. This suit has the latest technology that will allow the diver to resist the heavy pressure and cold temperatures of the ocean. In fact, scientists have rigged the suit with a reusable atmosphere system that allows Lombardi to have at least 50 hours worth of air. This is a huge upgrade when considering the old chemical mix that would give divers much less time to breathe under the ocean. If the test run in July is successful, scientists hope to be able to use the suit in order to retrieve precious minerals and materials that will be able to revolutionize the medical world. A protein found in some species of jelly fish in the range of where Lombardi will be diving will allow scientists to observe the growth of brain nerves that were invisible to their eyes before.

This expedition does have some flaws. For instance, a submarine will be accompanying Lombardi in order to provide light. As the technology of the iron suit increases, scientists hope to be able to have the suit provide its own light. Scientists are also trying to figure out how Lombardi will be able to bring any plants and animals back up to the surface with him. The climb back to the surface will be a serious problem, and they are afraid that any of the proteins or molecules will burst due to the high amounts of pressure. However, if the suit is successful, the science of medicine will never be the same.

Themes In Science:

Role of Chance: Their is a chance that the iron suit will not be successful, but the chance of success far out weigh glimmer of failure.
Role of Motivation and Curiosity: The unknown of the ocean's depths have long intrigued many scientists. The possibilities of new life and new materials caused many scientists to want to explore the area. Curiosity drove them to create this suit, and new and helpful medicine is their motivation.

Do you think that this suit was copied off of Marvel's Iron Man suit?
Do you think that these substances will be the only thing that the scientists will look for when in the suit?
Do you think the suit will be successful?

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  1. Amazing feat of Science! I love the idea of using a diving suit to venture into the depths of the ocean and retrieve medical supplies. There is a chance the suit won't work and Lombardi will die, but the reward far out ways the risk. H

    Here's another article that should help:

  2. If this is successful they will probably use it for much more than just observing a jelly fish's brain nerves.

  3. If this is successful it will help use understand much more about underwater ecosystem's. There is so much to be explored that we haven't been able to access before and this could lead to lots of new discoveries.
