Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Keeping an Eye On your Eyes

Scientists hope that a new generation of computer programing will be able to further aid humans in their everyday needs. For instance, new technology has arisen that can detect when your eyes leave the road, and new laptops and phones can detect when you are confused and try to help. Scientists believe that this technology can be adapted a step further; they believe that with the right programming, computers can detect our mood in the car and attempt to present ways to keep you focused on the road.

Psychologists of South Carolina wondered if a computer could decipher what a person was doing by just reading their eye movements. They set up for different activities for different people to try. These scientists were enlightened to find that the computer was able to correctly guess what a person was doing 75% of the time. These findings encourages scientist to pursue new ways for these computers to assist humans in certain situations.

Science Themes:
Importance of Repeatability: The computers reading were only 75% correct. If scientists cannot find a way for the computer to repetitively interpret the eyes correctly, the computers will not be useful at all.
Role of Motivation and Curiosity: Scientists are always trying to find ways to better our lives. They were curious to see if computers could read emotion and found glimmers of hope that they can. I believe that they will be able to innovate until they are successful.

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  1. I think that if the technology was able to read peoples moods it would be able to maybe predict or stop crashes.This would reduce the deaths by car. I think that this technology could also be used by law enforcement when they are interrogating people. This would benefit law enforcement because it would help them find out if a person is lying or telling the truth.

  2. I think that technology such as this will be found to have many uses in the coming future. As the computer's become more accurate the technology will be able to be used for many new assistive devices. It would also be able to read people's minds in a way and help people find out truths about certain actions.
