Saturday, March 22, 2014

Oxytocin, the "Love" Hormone, can protect against addiction

New studies have shown that the development of oxytocin, the love hormone, can directly affect how much a person will abuse drugs and alcohol.  Babies are born with a certain level of oxytocin already in their bodies, but the oxytocin system is not fully developed until about the age of three.  Experiments have been done that show children already showing signs of risk factors that lead to drug addiction at the age of four.  Doctor Buisman-Pijlman's theory is that the oxytocin system is influenced by genetics, gender, and environment.  She believes that a baby's early life must be stress free and positive in order for the baby to develop a healthy oxytocin system.

These discoveries could possibly lead to ways to prevent drug and alcohol abuse if humans could manipulate oxytocin levels in children.  Treatment could also be changed for addicts if this kind of data is now able to be taken.

NOS Themes:
Science is based on evidence
Role of motivation and curiosity


  1. Wow, this comes with so many possibilities. I think that this is a great idea but i am curious to see what side effects will come with this kind of treatment as something obviously relies on oxytocin.
    also couldn't too much or too little me a drug in itself? because this is the chemical that drives relationships in a sense so adding more would cause that feeling from a hug or a kiss. I think that alone could make oxytocin really really addictive. Especially for single people.

  2. I found this article very interesting. I found another article online that talked more about the environmental factors that affected the development of oxytocin and oxytocin levels. Some of those factors were stress, trauma, severe infection, and early exposure to drugs. I found it very interesting that earlier exposure to drugs can lead to an abnormal oxytocin development which can lead back to drug use.

  3. I think that being able to keep people from becoming addicted is amazing. That we could detect warning signs at age four and then give that child help so they do not become addicted when they get older is so amazing because addiction ruins peoples lives, and something those people are bright and could have contributed to society if they were sober, and that we could "cure" people that are addicted with something that the body produces naturally is so much better, especially if it works well.

  4. Wow this is really interesting. Its amazing how many things in our lives can be predicted at such a young age. Hopefully awareness increases because of this study and the research is used to help addicts before it is to late.
