Saturday, March 22, 2014

Gene Editing in Monkeys Could Help Model Human Disease

Original Article: Precise Gene Editing in Monkeys Paves the Way for Valuable Human Disease Models
Source: - Cell Press
Date: Jan. 30, 2014

Creative Commons photo - Monkey
Summary: According to a report published in the journal Cell, researchers from Nanjing Medical University have finally achieved an efficient approach to gene modification in primates. The study was conducted on monkeys because of their close similarities to humans. Previously, however, similar research was unable to edit target genes without producing any "off-target mutations". This new "CRISPR/CAS9" system allowed for the disruption of only the two target genes. Because many human diseases are caused by abnormalities in genes, research on genetic modification could become very valuable to generating human disease models in the future.

N.O.S. Themes:
Creative Commons Photo - DNA

  • Science is collaborative - a group of scientists at Nanjing Medical University collaborated on this research
  • Science is based on evidence - the evidence showed that this new system was more effective because it only modified the target DNA
  • Science is subject to debate - some might think that testing on animals is wrong and inhumane
  • Role of credibility - the research was done at a well acclaimed university
  • Importance of repeatability - they must test this system more than once be sure it wasn't merely an accident
  • Role of chance - they might only been able to do this by accident or different individuals genes may be easier to "edit" than others
  • Role of motivation/curiosity - scientists are curious how they can model human diseases so they were motivated to do this research to help them find out

Thoughts: I think it is very interesting how they becoming able to do such amazing work genetically. I am curious to see where research like this could lead to. The fact that we are able to specifically mutate a single gene is INSANE! I do feel that this could raise a question in the future about doing so much testing on animals. Here is a link to an article also about the CRISPR system with some more in depth information. It really is an amazing process- where do you think this could lead?

Published: March 22, 2014
By: Julia Garbuz (Hour 1)
**ABSENT**(This is a make-up for the first blog post due Feb 14)


  1. Diseases such as cancer and Alzheimer's could potentially be eradicated with genetic modification and manipulation, however it becomes very largely a moral debate. Although genetic modification and manipulation can be used to combat and prevent diseases, it could also be used to manipulate an unborn child's features. Many believe that genetic modification of humans could lead to conflict and the idea of a perfect race. It even provokes thoughts of super-humans through genetic modification. While the idea seems like something straight out of a comic book or sci-fi movie, this study makes it seem a few steps closer to reality.

  2. As Lamson said above the possibilities to eradicate cancers, and other diseases that are genetic is such a good goal to achieve, we could stop some terrible diseases that are passed down. My questions would be when would you do these modifications, at conception would be the most likely answer but what if you could modify your DNA as an older person and wake up the next day, or what ever the required time would be, and suddenly be free of some diseases, have a different color hair, eyes, and skin tone. If modifications to humans could make our bodies stronger, healthier, faster, and better I say why not, the betterment of humanity is one of the things science is trying to achieve and if we can we defiantly should, what if one day we will be able to stand the pressure of deep oceans and space and didn't need air, exploration would explode greatly.

  3. If we have the technology today to edit genetic material, imagine what may be possible in twenty or thirty years. Nanotechnology could possibly modify our genetic code to make us stronger, smarter, eliminate genetic disorders and even make us immune to disease. Imagine being able to manipulate cancerous cells genetic material in such a way that they self-destruct or turn back into healthy cells. There is so much that is possible through nanotechnology and advancements in genetic modification, it's mind-boggling.
