Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Researchers find protein 'switch' central to heart cell division


1. http://www.biologynews.net/archives/2014/03/04/researchers_find_protein_switch_central_to_heart_cell_division.html

2.          The new discovery of how to restart heart cell division began with a pair of infant siblings. They both had a rare heart defect and needed to have a transplant so that they could survive. When scientists were studying the two hearts they noticed that they heart cells were still dividing. This was a big discovery because heart cells usually stop dividing after birth. The researchers looked at there genes and found that the cause of it was the gene ALMS1. This gene also causes a rare disorder called Alström syndrome. This disorder is associated with diabetes, heart disease, blindness, obesity, hearing loss, and heart disease. Some doctors think that the syndrome is why the cells are still dividing. This discovery will help the community because they will be able to repair heart damage after heart attacks or disease.

3. The NOS themes of this article are the role of chance and science is based on evidence. This has the role of chance because if the siblings had not both had transplants the scientists would not have known to look for the still growing heart cells. Science is based on evidence because not once but twice they found the dividing heart cells in the siblings which proves that there heart cells were still dividing.


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