Thursday, February 13, 2014

Shivering Activates Fat to Keep You Warm

Want to burn fat without exercising? 

Shivering burns the same fat with 10x less effort. Shivering is a muscle contraction thats purpose is to warm us. Shivering-activated brown fat can convert chemical energy directly to heat.

During the experiment, scientists took blood samples from the men and woman when they rested in a temperature-controlled blanket set at 54 degrees fahrenheit, and when they used the exercise bike. The blood samples showed that exercise and shivering stimulated muscles to cover similar amounts of irisin. Irisin is a hormone that instructs the brown fat to “turn up the furnace.” Shivering shares some of the benefits of exercise; burning fat.
Brown fat: A dark-colored adipose tissue with many blood vessels, involved in the rapid production of heat in hibernating animals and human babies.

       NOS THEMES:
  • Science is based on evidence 
  • Importance of repeatability 
  • Role of motivation and curiosity 
  • Science is subject to debate and tentative  

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