Friday, February 14, 2014

Chinese researchers from Nanjing Medical University and Yunnan Key Laboratory of Primate Biomedical Research created genetically modified monkeys. Genetic modification can be used to accomplish all sorts of changes in creatures, such as determining their gender or strengthening their immune systems. Scientists and researchers have looked into genetic modification in the past, especially in humans and trying to change their hair or eye colors. In this case, researchers attempted to change the monkeys' metabolism, improve their immune systems, and predetermine their genders. Because this happened very recently, the monkeys are too young to determine if the modifications have any effect on their mental or physical health. Success in genetically modifying monkeys points to possible success in modifying humans. Genetic modification of humans is a highly controversial issue because some people believe that it can eradicate diseases while others claim that it is imoral. We are a long ways away from genetically modifying humans due to a large amount of safety concerns, but it is definitely possible in the future. 

It is a collaboration between Nanjing Medical University and Yunnan Key Laboratory of Primate Biomedical Research.

It is repeated with different traits being modified.

There is skepticism of moving on to human trials.

The article can be found here


  1. What things could we do this type of technology? Would humans be able to make people that are immune to different disease or would this only be for creating custom children. I think that the fact that we are one step closer to being able to almost customize people and giving them special traits is kinda scary. Humans have evolved for thousands of years without the interference of new technology. Not that I don't think that being able to do this is not a great thing, but it makes you stop and think about how everyone could be different if your parents had this technology when we were created.
    Some of the other article about this topic talk about start up companies dealing with genome editing. Th companies would work to create genome editing to help with human problems such as Alzheimer's and cystic fibrosis.

    Additional Information:

  2. Lamson - next time give your blog post a title!

  3. I think that the idea of genetically modifying humans is something that should be carried out very infrequently. The idea of going and choosing what your kid will be like is really strange and unnatural. However, if somekind of disease started to make an impact on humans or another animals, I think that genetically modifying the animal might be a good way to save the species.

  4. I agree. This is an amazingly interesting issue. While on one side you could save millions of lives by genetically modifying humans. The flip side of the coin is you could kill the entire planet in the process. The idea has been around for ages from writers minds to extreme inventors heads, everywhere. But around ten or fifteen years ago we started by cloning sheep and other animals and we come closer to the same issue in that field as well. What if we are made to die. If we don't die then what happens to all of the cycles that depend upon death. I am not saying we shouldn't solve cancer and all the other problems of humans, but there is a point at which the cost and consequence outweigh the actual value of the gain.

    The monkeys in this case will probably lose certain qualities or functions that they would normally have in trade for their improved ones. There are always consequences. I think going forward in all most any field of science we should keep that in mind.

  5. Your topic strongly reminds me of a movie Mrs. Reynolds 7th grade science class watched called Gattaca. The movie was based around a time when genetically modified humans are the norm for anyone who could afford it. In the picture, babies were modified as an embro by adding attributes such as fast running, higher intellect, and even adding extra fingers to be better at playing piano. The problems faced in the movie epitemizes the social conflicts and dangers that have been commented thus far. The protagonist was one of the few of his time to have a natural child birth, one with no modification, and becomes an outcast because of it, only able to get low level jobs that no one else really wanted.
    I agree that the topic of human genetic modification is one that will forever be under hot debate and I doubt that it will be explored on a large scale in our lifetime.

  6. I think this topic is very interesting and shows how far human technology has advanced. The first genetic materials were mostly unknown until 1940, and now we are modifying and manipulating genes.

    Sometimes I think that technology, and genetic manipulation is great and may solve some of out problems such as cancer, and other harmful genetic defects. The way we can manipulate the genes also could enhance things everyday activities.

    However, Virilio, a modern philosopher, says that the modification of the human race will lead to global war and a huge shift in our government systems. (Virilio, 1999, pg. 57)
    There definitely is a hot debate on how far is too far for genetic manipulation.
