Thursday, February 13, 2014

1,400 Year Old Animal

This article uncovers the secret behind this strange animal's longevity and why animals everywhere are so different.

In 1998, one biologist hypothesized that hydras regenerate their own cells to create their own immortality.  New evidence shows that hydra's mortality rate is much lower and gradual compared to humans who have a drastic mortality rate once they reach old age.  Because of this, hydras can out live most other species on Earth.

Recently, biologists have estimated that 5% of a hydra's population will be alive after 1,400 years.

NOS Themes:

  • Science is based on evidence
  • Science is subject to debate and is tentative
  • Role of skepticism



  1. That is amazing that hydra's can live over 1,000 years old and that can outlive most species on Earth. I guess that we can say that the last living thing on the Earth will be the hydra.

  2. It is interesting how they can regenerate their own cells. Here I have found an article that talks about the genes that also help them to live for so long. If you have time to check it out, it is very interesting and gave me a lot more information on the amazing lives of hydras.
