Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Females...The Stronger Sex

 link: http://www.scientificamerican.com/article/are-men-the-weaker-sex/

male and female signsFor years some humans have believed that males are the better, strong sex. Now, studies have shown that women are stronger than men. Boys are more vulnerable than girls to pollutants like insecticide, lead, and plasticizers. From the beginning Mother Nature has shown us that males are fragile by supplying more of them, about 106 males are born to every 100 females. Boy are over two-thirds more likely to be born prematurely, and have a 30% higher chance of death by the age of one. If boys make it past this stage then they are more prone to neurological disorders.

So why is it that males are more vulnerable that females? It all starts in the Womb. Females are the default gender, this is the reason males have nipples. Males have a more complex cellular makeup than females. With more cell division happening there is more room for mistakes to happen. Also the male XY chromosome is at a greater risk than the female XX chromosome. In some disorders one X carries the genetic defect, in this case the females second X can take over. Males have no backup plan. The X chromosome is larger and contains more genetic information than the Y chromosome. This fragility will not end the human race, but it may cause some problems in the future.

NOS Themes
Science is based on evidence- this data can be backed up through many different tests.
Importance of repeatability- the XX chromosome is always found in the girls and XY in boys.
Role of chance- boys have a greater chance being born with a disability.


  1. I really like the topic that you chose. The facts that back up this article are very interesting, like that boys are 2/3 more likely to be born prematurely and have a higher chance of death by the age of one.

  2. This topic has a lot of research to back up the hypothesis that females are the stronger sex. Professor Peter Johnson, a chief clinician at Cancer Research UK, states that women have a more responsive immune system which will respond better to vaccinations, and also will have a lesser risk of dying from cancer, such as melanoma. This topic is very interesting!

    1. Research from: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-2402553/Why-women-really-stronger-sex-Research-suggests-testosterone-weakens-immune-means-man-flu-actually-real.html

  3. This is a very interesting topic and I'd like to add a comment about more males developing neurological disorders than females do. The Autism Speaks website has facts and statistics about how many people have autism. The website says males are five times more likely to develop autism than females are. Also, 1 in 88 children and 1 in 54 boys are affected by autism. Scientists are not exactly sure why males are so much more likely to develop autism, but they believe it is because of genetic differences between the sexes, which supports your hypothesis that females are the stronger sex.

    1. Research from http://www.autismspeaks.org/what-autism/facts-about-autism

  4. This is a super interesting topic. I was researching and found some info that supports your hypothesis. A large study by Japanese researchers recently found that although we all produce fewer B-cells and T-cells — key players in the immune system — as we get older, the decline is more rapid in men than women. Women also seem to be getting added protection from having two X chromosomes, while men have an X and a Y. This once again establishes that females are the stronger sex.


  5. This article is very interesting. In addition to your research, I would like to add some information regarding the power of a women. Women's bodies accept vaccinations more easily and responds positively. ‘It’s generally accepted that women have a more responsive immune system,’ says Professor Peter Johnson, chief clinician at Cancer Research UK. Women also keep their immune system troops on active duty for longer than men. Men’s immune systems are a bit less likely to clear away cells that are beginning to turn cancerous, or stop cells from a tumor spreading round the body. Men are more likely to develop stomach cancer than women and a study found that oestrogen had a protective effect. Men far more likely to die from melanoma form of skin cancer. All these support your hypothesis that females are the stronger sex.

  6. I also find this topic very interesting. I am currently reading a book called "The Sports Gene" by David Epstein that investigates whether "nature or nurture" creates the best athletes. In one portion of the book, Epstein analyzes the results of studies that compare if men are actually born to be better athletes than women. The studies claimed that men are born to have more muscle mass, be larger in size, have less body fat, and a higher pain tolerance than women and several other similar factors. Also, a woman's body shape (widened hips, etc) make it harder for them to be as fast and strong as men. However, Epstein also provides evidence that the gender gap slowly narrowing over time. Aside from all this evidence- I would love to claim that females are the stronger sex! :)

  7. In this article http://www.livescience.com/32467-why-do-men-have-nipples.html
    It states how everyone starts off as a female and in the first weeks the embryo has a "female blueprint." The starting weeks they develop the same organs and nipples as females.Testosterone does not start to "kick in" until about 60 days. The testosterone changes the genetic activity of the cells in the brain and genitals which starts the change in the embryo of being a male or a female.

  8. I find this topic to be very interesting. I read more into the differences in brain development between men and women. I also found that men are more likely to become diagnosed with developmental conditions like autism. Some researchers at the University of Cambridge believe that this because men are exposed to higher levels of testosterone before birth which affects brain development.

    Article: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-562627/Are-women-really-weaker-sex-The-intriguing-medical-facts-settle-oldest-argument-all.html
