Thursday, February 27, 2014

Known Planets Almost Doubled

On Wednesday NASA confirmed 715 new planets outside of our solar system. The know planets list now comes to about 1,700, whereas twenty years ago scientists knew of no other sun orbiting planets besides ours.
Contained in the newly discover planets are four planets located in the habitable zone, a major step kepler's ultimate goal to find an "Earth 2.0" not for us to live on but to find other life. The four planets are all double the size of Earth, making them more likely to be gas planets. The scientists are looking at the last two years of data from the four years of data from the kepler space telescope and expect more habitable planets to be found.


Role of Motivation and Curiosity: Without the motivation to find other life we would not have found all of these planets.


  1. SWAG. and YOLO. My F is correct.

  2. i concur your concur.

  3. I find it very interesting that scientists are able to look so far out into the universe and find these planets that are so far away. It is crazy that out of 715 planets that only four are in the habitable zone. If there is life on those planets, it would be a huge step in what we know about the universe.
