Monday, April 21, 2014

Top Cities in The U.S.A for Well-Being has been Revealed


According to the 2012-2013 Gallup-Healthways survey, the city of Provo-Orem, Utah is the number one community for well-being.  The worst cities for well-being are the metro area of Huntington-Ashland (which is a metro area that stretches through West Virginia, Kentucky, and Ohio) and Charleston, WV.  The well-being ranking for each city is based on the score each city gets.  The score is out of 100, and Provo-Orem, UT got a 71.4 out of 100, and Huntington-Ashland got a 59.5 out of 100 (the only metro area with a score below 60 out of 100) (Live Science).  The ranking/score of well-being is determined through six measures of well-being, emotional health, physical health, job environment, access to necessities that are basic, self evaluation on present and future life, and healthy behaviors.  Also, the scores of well-being for the metro areas have mostly lined up with the scores of
well being for the states.  California ranked 17th in well-being in 2013, and has three metro areas that are in the top 10 for well-being (Live Science).  The leadership of the city, which includes leadership of the government and the community, play a role of large importance in how a city forms a culture of well-being and maintains it.

Nature of Science Themes

  • Science is based on evidence
  • Role of motivation and curiosity
  • Role of credibility
  • Science is collaborative

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