Thursday, April 24, 2014

Female Insects with Penises.

Link to Story.

In a ground-breaking study, researchers have found cave insects in Brazil from the genus Neotrolga that are the first recorded case of sex-reversed genitalia. This means that the female of this species has the penis. During copulation, which can last up to 70 hours, the female inserts a penis-like organ in to the males much reduced vagina-like opening. Scientists believe that this trait was developed due to the resource-poor environment of the cave. They believe that, in addition to sperm, the male gives the female nutritious seminal gifts making it advantageous for the female to reproduce at a higher rate. Researchers also found that while inside the male, the female will anchor itself to the male, and take the nutrients.

This is important in our further understanding of evolution. We can see that evolution is not just small changes, and something that no longer happens. We can see it happening before our eyes. It is very cool.

NOS Themes:

  1. Role of credibility: Published in Current Biology.


  1. this was really interesting so I looked it up to see if I could find more. in this article it talks about the "switched" sex organs in which the male has a vagina and the female has a penis to take the sperm. These creatures are found in the caves of Brazil and have a very lengthy courtship .

  2. As I was reading this, I thinking quite a bit on how scientists could reach that conclusion. It seemed to me that perhaps the scientists accidentally mixed up the male and female and thought that the female had the penis. It was very cool to read about the first recorded case of sex reversed genitalia, and it makes me wonder how the evolved to be that way.
