Thursday, April 24, 2014

Ancient Fish Found with 'Modern' Heart and Blood Vessels

Original Article

Researches and geologists have discovered the oldest know cardiovascular system as well as the most complex system of the heart and blood vessels of its time. Because we were just learning and watching videos about this in clase, I thought this would be a great article to share a write a blog about.
Not only is this the oldest vascular system found in a fossilized creature, it is the only one ever found. The animal, named Fuxianhuia protensa, is a 3 inch long anthropod found on the coast of southern China. The article talks in detail about how and why this ancient crustacean came to evolve into this cardiovascular system.

One main area of further research that I would be very interested in looking into is looking for other first showing of human body systems in ancient animals. In the video Your Inner Fish, we saw the first example of an animal living on land. But what about our complex nervous system, looking for the first creatures with skin like we have, and other functioning systems of our body. What can you readers find?

NOS Themes:

The Role of Collaboration - Researches and Geologists from 3 separate countries all collaborated to make this study successful.
Science is based on evidence - This study focused on an actual fossil recently found and examined.

-Ben Johnson

1 comment:

  1. I found this article very interesting especially because it relates to what we were learning in evolution. It is very interesting to know the origin of one of the most important organ systems. I was wondering how the cardiovascular species evolved over time, from this species to the human cardiovascular system and found that over time the strengths of the cardiovascular system was passed down. The creature also seems to have had advanced neural systems as well.

