Thursday, April 24, 2014

Brain circuits involved in emotion discovered by neuroscientists

Neuroscientists have recently discovered a brain pathway that sets the foundation for the emotional behaviors critical for survival.  The University of Bristol has discovered a chain of neuron connections which connects survival circuits to the spinal cord.  The brain pathway travels from the periaqueductal grey to the pyramis.  The pyramis is involved in triggering the fight or flight reaction in an unnerving situation.  This is a resounding discovering for scientists because they can now, more accurately, create effective treatments for mental disorders such as paranoia or panic attacks.

Themes of Nature of Science

  • Role of Credibility- research was done at University of Bristol
  • Role of Motivation/Curiosity- scientists were curious about this reaction in the brain


  1. This article was interesting Thomas. This is a ground breaking discovery that these scientists made. I found it very interesting that the scientists would be able to use this information to help people whose pathways do not function properly. I did a little more research and found it intriguing that they think it is possible to fix the pathway malfunctions permanently

  2. I agree with Mathew. This was very interesting, and informative. It sounds like this could be very helpful, and it would be really cool if they could help people with panic attacks or paranoia. It would be cool to hear more about this study in the future.
