Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Specific Defense Immune Cells

Scientists have found that some immune cells only fight infections in a single organ. This finding could help us fight organ-specific illnesses. Researchers at the Washington University School of Medicine have found evidence that says that the liver, skin, and uterus all have these specific immune cells and it would not be surprising to find this true for other organs as well. Many doctors believe that if we are able create medication to activate these cells, it would have powerful effects against infections. In the past, we believed that immune cells stay in the liver, and when they are needed leave the liver to go to whatever part of the body that has the problem. This theory is only partially true, there are some cells that do this but there are also some that just stay in the liver and these cells have been observed in the skin and the uterus as mentioned above. Dorothy K. Sojka has been running experiments to see if they are able to control productions of the cell. This could heavily aid in infection and disease fighting.
NOS Themes:
Science is Collaborative: There were many scientists studying these cells
Based on Evidence: There were actual organ specific immune cells found in the liver, skin, and uterus
Role of Motivation and Curiosity: Further research of this could lead to disease cures

1 comment:

  1. The way that cells have been for our bodies are very intriguing. we should be spend more time studying these defense cells, and what they do for our human bodies. I am interested in finding out if these cells can be extracted, and then put into different areas of the body like stem cells, or if these are specific to the area that are originally in. Go Science!!!
