Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Specialized defense cells

Article link:

It has been recently discovered that some specialized cells are dedicated to defending a single organ. This is goes against the long held belief that all cells dedicated to defense of the body roamed around looking to fight off infection. Scientists at Washington University of medicine found these cells in the liver, skin, and uterus, and other organs show signs of having them too. The cells are also controlled by  molecular switches. These switches control how much of these cells are created or if they are created at all. This is important because of the implications it could have. If someone were to have a cancer, doctors can use the switches to stop and isolate the spread of the cancer by stopping the spread to other organs.

I chose this topic because I find medical advancement interesting. With this discovery the way we treat diseases and infections can be completely changed to be more efficient. As this research continues i will be eager to watch for updates.

Nos Themes
Science is collaborative
Science is based on evidence. Changing the molecular switches was tested on mice  


  1. This article is huge for the medical community. If they can stop the spread of cancer cells the death rate would drop and the survival rate would go up. These cells are interesting because they are like switches like in the inner fish video and the sonic hedgehog molecule. Hopefully these researchers find out more on these cells

  2. This article was pretty interesting to read. Cancer is still a huge issue, and a new way to try to help would probably be greatly appreciated by many people in need. Where are these molecular switches located? Hopefully doctors are successful in their use of it and can focus on stopping the spread of harmful cells and the creation of helpful ones.
