Sunday, June 1, 2014

Green Tea May Reduce Pancreatic Cancer Risk

In a new study, researchers in the Los Angeles Biomedical Research Institute have found a new possible benefit of drinking green tea; it may reduce the risk of pancreatic cancer. The active biologic constituent in green tea, EGCG, suppresses an enzyme associated with cancer, LDHA. EGCG does this by changing the metabolism of the pancreatic cancer cells. Scientists previously thought they had to use a molecular mechanism to treat cancer, but this shows that that isn't true.

The researchers discovered that the EGCG interrupted the balance of flux in the cell's metabolism. This means that the rate of turnover of molecules through a metabolic pathway is off balance. Oxamate is a material known to do this in a similar fashion to LDHA. Scientists can use this newfound information about these cancer inhibitors to alter the course of cancer or prevent it altogether.

NOS Themes:
- Science is collaborative: the researchers worked at the LA Biomedical Research Institute



  1. im a big fan of green tea, and this is just article makes me extremely happy. It is comforting to know that my mild obsession with green tea could save my life one day if it hasn't saved it already. I drink green tea because it helps with my stress that junior provides in bulk, especially during second semester, so it is good to know that al of this stress is really giving me a better chance of fighting cancer due to the EGCG that is provided. Thank you for writing this. I now feel no shame about my green tea obsession/addiction. Go science!

  2. I also found this interesting because I am an avid green tea drinker. I knew it had a bunch of antioxidants and other good stuff, but it's good to know that it can reduce the risk of cancer too! It's fascinating what a plant soaked in hot water can do. Excuse me while I go have a cup of tea now :P

  3. I have researched something similar before and I think that it is a great way to lower your risk of cancer. If you just make some small adjustments in your diet, you could potentially save your life! I think that it is totally worth it. I did some further research on other foods that can reduce one's risk of cancer and here is a lit of ones that frequently came up: grapefruit, peanuts/peanut butter, berries, sweet potatoes, wild salmon, ground flaxseed, TEA, cruciferous vegetables, and turmeric. I am glad to see that I eat most of these foods relatively frequently. But aside from the specifics, it is good to just maintain a healthy lifestyle and diet in any situation!

  4. Not only does green tea help reduce cancer, but it can also be used to help treat weight loss, liver disorders, or even type 2 diabetes! Tea has been used for medical purposes for hundreds of years. It was used by the Chinese and Indian cultures to control bleeding, heal wounds, aid digestion, improve heart and mental health, and to regulate body temperature. Who would have ever thought that a plant leaves could have so many benefits!

  5. Dang, if only I drank tea. I could be immune from cancer! Just kidding, but very cool topic. Some people already commented foods that can help prevent cancer, so I looked for some foods that are known to raise your risk of cancer, to help everyone avoid those foods. I went to an article at to find some. This website stated every day foods such as microwave popcorn, canned tomatoes, and non-organic fruits as cancer cause. They stated that most of the cancer causeing foods were ASSUMED to be cancer cuaseing soley because they had genetically modified ingrediants, which is, as we learned, a topic of hot debate and not 100% proven either way. However, a few of the examples, such as the microwave popcorn, seemed to be a little more legitimate with the support that the bag contained carcinogens such as "perfluorooctanoic acid" when heated.

  6. A lot of my family members drink green tea and I sometimes also drink green tea. This is good news to hear, I guess. It is very interesting how EGCG interrupt our cells metabolism. This could be promising for cures for cancer. I found more about how green tea specifically relates to cancer here:

    It includes a study at the Mayo Clinic on how green tea helped leukemia patients. It is also promising that researchers may be able to extract cancer fighting components.

  7. I found this article to be very interesting. I am personally a big fan of green tea. This is a wonderful discovery. It is very interesting how the EGCG in the tea can suppress an enzyme associated with cancer. I found it interesting how the EGCG interrupts the balance in the cell's metabolism. What are some other health benefits of green tea?
