Sunday, June 1, 2014

3 D printing and blood vessels

Scientists at the Brigham and Women's Hospital have found a way to manufacture artificial blood vessels. This is amazing considering how some blood vessels are so tiny and have such micro capabilities. The scientists used 3-D printing to make the tiny blood vessel channels from a sugar called agarose. Because it is 3-D printed, with a printer and agarose these vessels can be reprinted anywhere. Giving this discovery application to places that might not have the standard blood vessel technology. However, the article didn't describe the functionality of these cells. Are they just simple channels? Or can they respond to injuries and our inflammatory responses we learned about in the bacteria and virus unit? This article is a good example to the GMO debate in our DNA biotechnology unit; should we manufacture artificial biological substances? 


Article link:

Nature/themes of science:
Science is collaborative- A group of researchers were able to make this 3d-printed discovery.
Role of motivation and curiosity- Researchers might have needed to make blood vessels that weren't available.


  1. The ability to manufacture such small things using 3d printing technology. I too am curious to see if these are functioning blood vessels or not. Even if they aren't, I anticipate the technology getting to a point where the creation of functioning blood vessels is possible.

  2. I wonder if these are functioning blood vessels and if they are what could they be used for? If they are this could be a giant advancement in biotechnology.
