Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Brains Vs. Brawn: a Matter of Evolution?

Source: http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2014/05/140527185347.htm

Brains vs Brawn: A Matter of Evolution?
Scientists working at Shanghai's CAS-MPG Partner Institute for Computation Biology, along with some German scientists, were looking into the evolution of metabolites, which are small molecules like sugars and amino acids, and noticed that in humans, the main areas of concentration through the evolutionary course were the brain and the muscles. The scientists noticed that we had much faster metabolic growth in our brains than most primates, and had much more change in metabolites in our muscles than chimpanzees and other primates. After running some strength trials, they had data reflecting how much stronger other primates are compared to us. One of the hypotheses proposed by these scientists was that the metabolic roles of human brain and strength are connected. They stated that there is a possibility that we are sparing energy for a strong brain at the cost of weak muscles.

Nature of Science Themes:
Role of Credibility: Scientists from universities

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