Sunday, June 1, 2014

Dystacta tigrifrutex

Dystacta tigrifrutex, also called the tiger mantis, is a newly discovered insect descending from the Praying Mantis. The new species was discovered in Rwanda during an insect survey in the Nyungwe National Park. The scientists performing the survey took one of the new species females into captivity observed it as laid eggs. It is believed that the tiger mantis is specific to this one national park, which gives the researchers more reason to keep the park protected. Dr. Gavin Svenson and Riley Tedrow, two of the scientists who discovered the new species, plan to further their research and go back to the Nyugwe National Forest to study the tiger mantis and hopefully determine more about their whereabouts.

NOS Themes:
science is collaborative
science is based on evidence
role of curiosity

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